Calculating Opportunity Cost Can Take Your Brand to New Heights

“Opportunity cost" - a term you might have heard in business and economics circles, but do you really know how it can affect your brand and business decisions? Welcome to tonight's live stream with Nicky And Moose where we will be deep-diving into this crucial concept.

What happens when a seemingly attractive opportunity comes knocking at your door but requires a massive shift in your life - like moving to a new state? Do you seize it because it seems like a chance to level up your brand? Or do you consider the opportunity cost - the potential benefits you miss out on by choosing this path over others?

Understanding and calculating opportunity cost is crucial for making informed decisions that genuinely benefit your brand in the long run. By the end of this live stream, you'll have a fresh perspective on how to approach opportunities, weigh them against potential costs, and make decisions that lead to sustainable growth.

So, what's the real cost associated with decisions that appear to be growing your brand? Could they possibly be doing more harm than good?