Do NOT Monetize Your Passion

In this video, we explore the question of whether or not you should monetize your passion. While it may seem like the dream to turn your hobby into a business, there are both pros and cons to doing so. **Join Deeper Than The Brand's Content Creation Course Bundle:

We discuss the experience of a popular YouTuber who went from being a software engineer to a successful content creator, only to feel burned out and dread his job after monetizing his passion. We also share our own experiences with monetizing our passions and how it impacted our enjoyment of them.

Ultimately, the decision to monetize your passion depends on your personal goals and values. We offer some tips and advice for finding a balance between making money and maintaining your love for your hobby.

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About Nicky And Moose The Podcast:
Nicky And Moose The Podcast is a weekly podcast giving you an inside look into the world’s top personal brands & businesses to reveal the blueprint behind their success. Each episode breaks down current marketing trends, as well as relevant topics to extract the business strategies, branding tactics and thought process of your favorite entrepreneurs. So, whether you are looking to grow your personal brand on social media or aim to scale your business in the digital world, your hosts; Nicky Saunders And Mostafa Ghonim will help you walk away with practical steps to take you to the next level!

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